Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Happy New Year's Eve! as the Christmas decorations get put away, and the vacation time runs down, and the kids & adults get ready to return to their working schedules, it is my hope that you will remain filled with the wondrous magic of the Spirit, and all the hope, love & joy that is Christmas for as long as possible. today, we think about the new year and what we hope it will bring for us, our families, and our country. i pray the Lord will keep us all healthy & safe, and see us through the difficult times ahead- emotional, physical, financial or other wise. i am awful at following through on new year resolutions, but i still always make them. this year, i'm going to try to pray more, and try not to get so upset or stressed out about stuff so easily. i'd love any tips or suggestions you may have that can help me. i'd also like to take more & better photos, and create more often These are my 'realistic' goals. On the 'now your pushing it' side of my list, i'd really like to purge & organize my scrap tools/stash, complete my daughter's room makeover, and the really big one-- wait for it---wait for it... i'd love to finally lose the 'baby' weight that i've been carrying around for 4 YEARS! i do need to take better care of myself not just for me, but for my family too. it's even more important now that i'm older. it's such hard work and i so struggle to stick with it. i'll work out and eat better for a few weeks, but then i fall off & stay off the wagon, and really don't even try to get back on ;) i don't want to give up pizza or sweets! lol! just being honest, but it would be nice to have more energy to tackle some of the other goals! so for the new year, i decided to RE-RE-sign up for 3 months of WW online, and a 3 week SIStv workshop called Love Myself in 2009 taught by Ashley Wren (it's a support/ journaling / scrappy workshop for those with health & fitness goals--there's a picture link on the right side of the page for more info.) i would like to say i'll be working out constantly & be 25lbs. lighter in no time, but instead, i'm just going to say that i'll be taking it one day at a time, and i'll check in & let you know how it's going, and hope you'll be patient with me. anyway- lots of love to you and yours today. have tons of fun, please don't drink & drive, and let me know what you're goals & wishes for the new year are.
{{big hugs}}

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