Friday, June 6, 2008

happy friday!

we bought a fun face-painting kit to play with today to celebrate the last day of preschool. did my sweetness want a butterfly face, or a flower, or a happy panda on her cheek? um, no way dude- she chose vampire and she's rockin' it!
hope you're friday is off to a great start too! i'm gonna pop me open a cold corona light with some fresh lime & make some fun creative messes! yessss!
by the way- run don't walk at the opportunity to take Adrienne Looman's 'Artistic Edge' online photo editing class (it can purchased at the SISboutique -amazingly cool photoshop technique goodness & inspo galore. i am lovin' it!

1 comment:

HoweverAlthough said...

That is so hysterical! Move over Alice Cullen!